Donor Spotlight: Finding community at GenRising

November 6, 2019
Meet one of our incredible GenRisers, YWCA’s networking group for young professionals. Through GenRising, supporters are able to mobilize action around causes they're passionate about, lend their talent to supporting marginalized communities, and learn more about being an ally in their community’s race and social justice work.

How to Support Domestic Violence Survivors

October 18, 2019
It’s National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and YWCA is taking a stand. The domestic violence (DV) program at YWCA works to support survivors that have experienced gender-based violence to overcome their trauma and barriers and to empower them to take back their self-autonomy. We would like to invite our community to spread awareness of gender-based violence and support survivors with YWCA.

The history of YWCA's Seattle headquarters

October 15, 2019
YWCA has a long history of serving the women and girls of our region, and nowhere else is the history more felt than at our Seneca building, YWCA’s Seattle headquarters since 1914. Read on to learn more, as well as how you can help preserve YWCA for future generations.

YWCA Is "All In" for Inclusive Leadership

September 26, 2019
All year, YWCA has been busy bringing community events to all parts of our region. Read on to find out how we’ve been all in for Washington women this past month, including events focused on clearing a path to leadership roles as well as reflecting on the trailblazers who have led the way.

Inclusive Leadership at YWCA

September 12, 2019
Our agency’s goal is to center African American and black women and families and create real change in the community. We can do this by empowering those who are the farthest from opportunity. YWCA’s Human Resources Manager and I talk about what inclusive leadership is and why it is important to YWCA’s mission.

Building Financial Wellness & Opportunity

August 29, 2019
Meet Yusuf Hansia, a YWCA Activity Leader Volunteer at our Somerset Village Apartments. Yusuf’s goal is for residents to gain a better understanding of money management, and he works towards that by teaching several financial topics. Financial literacy is such an important skill to pass on and we appreciate Yusuf for donating his time to do so.

We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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