Persimmon Club

Consider becoming a member of YWCA’s Persimmon Club. The Persimmon Club is a donor community that supports YWCA’s work through monthly or quarterly giving.

By signing up to give as a recurring contributor, you have a sustaining impact on the lives of women and families. Your consistent, ongoing support helps create stable revenue streams, allows us to plan further into the future, and helps fuel our shared mission of eliminating racism and empowering women.

Launched in 2018, the Persimmon Club continues to help bring to life a bold vision for our community that deepens our impact on behalf of women and families.

As a Persimmon Club member you will receive invitations to exclusive opportunities with YWCA, tailored updates about your giving mid-year, and a tax receipt at year end. We look forward to keeping you updated on the effect your gift is having in our community

Persimmon Club FAQ
What is the Persimmon Club?

The Persimmon Club is a donor community that supports YWCA’s work through monthly or quarterly giving.

How do I sign up to be part of Persimmon Club?

Signing up is easy. Head to our donation page and when prompted select recurring to sign up for monthly or quarterly giving. Once your recurring gift is set, you’re in the club. It’s that easy!

You can also sign up via a YWCA giving envelope. Simply check monthly or quarterly when making your gift and you’re in!

How frequent must my gifts be to be a member?

Monthly or quarterly. Recurring gifts are set to be made until you tell us to stop. A quick phone call or email and we can adjust your gift to meet your needs.

Will I receive a tax receipt for every gift?

No. In order to cut down on the amount of mail we are sending you we acknowledge your total giving for the previous year at the beginning of each calendar year. We will send tax receipts for each gift upon your request.

Who do I call if I have questions about my gift?

Credit card expired? Want to increase your monthly or quarterly gift? Need to change the date of your recurring charge? Give Sarah Hassen, YWCA’s Director of Individual and Corporate Giving, a ring!

Reach Sarah at 206.490.4365 or email her She’d love to assist you in any way she can!

Join the Persimmon Club!
Join a dedicated group of Persimmon Club members committed to making a sustaining impact in the lives of women and families in our community.