Paving the Way for Diversity in Volunteering

January 23, 2020
Employing anti-racism principles in our day-to-day operations is an essential part of the work we do at YWCA. Through the Volunteer Services Department, we look at several factors in our volunteer outreach and recruiting in order to achieve equitable outcomes in the services that we and the rest of YWCA provide.

Bold Women Embolden Others

January 8, 2020
At the start of this year, the first of a new decade, we’re asking ourselves, “What does equity look like in 2020?” Learn more about two women who have created a more equitable world through trailblazing paths for other women of color in their industries.

Making Time to Give Back

December 19, 2019
In the midst of our New Year’s resolutions, we want to remind community members that your help is needed at YWCA. Read on for our tips on making community engagement a regular part of your life without overloading you schedule.

Best of the Blogs 2019

December 11, 2019
It's the final days of 2019, and we're celebrating the new year with a selection of our blog posts that we published over the last 12 months. Covering everything from Black LGBTQ icons to the incredible supporters of our programs, this list spans the many different kinds of work that YWCA does.

A Homecoming for Phillis Wheatley

November 26, 2019
YWCA marked a century of service to the women of Seattle's Central District by restoring the name of our branch there to Phillis Wheatley, the revolutionary-era Black poet and icon.

Economic Independence and Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

November 20, 2019
A big part of YWCA’s work is helping women find stability in their lives during times of crisis. Beyond that, our hope for the women we serve is that they can leave YWCA and go on to create positive change in our community. Read on to learn more about one of those change makers, Melissa Strawn.

We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

Blog Categories