Since 1970, Black History Month has been celebrated across the U.S., but it wasn’t always a month-long observance of the achievements and history of Black Americans. Learn more about its background and how you can extend your activism through this month and beyond.
In recognition of the upcoming 2025 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, here’s a list of media resources that shine a light on the critical (and often overlooked) role of BIPOC women in the civil rights movement.
We live in a world that is dependent on and centered around technology, but not everyone has equal access to that technology. In this digital era where the internet has become a necessity in nearly every facet of our lives, people without access are frequently left behind.
Since 1989, YWCA's BABES Network has worked to eliminate the stigma around HIV through education, outreach, advocacy, and more, reducing the isolation women living with HIV feel with their "sisterhood of support."
Learn about Princess Angeline, daughter of Chief Seattle and namesake of our women's shelter, and her impact on Seattle's history in honor of Native American Heritage Month.
For over 20 years during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, YWCAs across the country have set aside one week in October as a Week Without Violence, during which we raise awareness, elevate survivor voices, talk with policymakers, and unite under a common goal: centering survivors and working together to end gender-based violence.
We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.