Staff Spotlight: School Days in Snohomish

August 15, 2019
It’s the time of year again for School Days! School Days is an event to collect school supplies for YWCA kids in grades K-12. Meet the woman setting up students for success in Snohomish County, Vicki Dorway.

Supporting Reproductive Justice for People of Color

July 31, 2019
The ability to control your own reproductive choices massively impacts all people, especially people of color. Read on to learn more about reproductive justice, who is hurt by restrictive options, and how you can help.

Staff Spotlight: Creating Community at Somerset

July 18, 2019
This month, we’re highlighting Cena Conteh, YWCA’s Community Center Coordinator at Somerset Village Apartments. Cena works every day to empower women and families and strives to reach her community’s goals with genuine enthusiasm. Read more about Cena, her village, and the work she does to create community at YWCA.

BABES Renovation Celebration

July 3, 2019
Last month, we unveiled the completed redesign of the health wing in our Seneca building, including the BABES Network offices and meeting space. BABES Network is one of the nation’s only peer-led groups for HIV-positive women, so upgrading the space was crucial for such a critical program.

Serving Families as a Family

June 20, 2019
The newest Volunteer Program Assistants at Family Village Issaquah are giving back to YWCA families as a family. The Ferro family values volunteering as a way to serve and build community. Ashleigh and her husband work to pass on their passion for volunteering to their son and support women in Washington.

We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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