Women Rising Boldly at YWCA’s Luncheon

October 7, 2020
September 10 marked YWCA’s first ever online Luncheon, gathering together community members from across our region and beyond. Thank you for joining us to celebrate Women Rising Boldly!

Teaching Race & Social Justice Through a Free Library

September 28, 2020
On Juneteenth of this year, our staff at the Pathways for Women YWCA location in Lynnwood unveiled a Little Free Library dedicated to race and social justice literature as well as uplifting Black women and girls as authors.

Remembering RBG & Defending Democracy

September 23, 2020
As YWCAs across the country mourn the loss of Justice Ginsburg, we are determined to continue carrying out her legacy as a principled, dignified defender of justice for all.

Reading On A Mission: Incarceration and Black Women

August 11, 2020
America's system of mass incarceration has greatly exacerbated the racial and gender inequities across our nation. Black and immigrant women are in the sights of the overlapping prison system, deportation system, and widespread sexual assault. This month's reading list focuses on these women who are incarcerated, and elevates their stories in their own voices.

Staff Spotlight: Healthcare and Race

July 28, 2020
YWCA's Health Access programs work to increase wellness and safety in our community and reduce systemic barriers that drive inequities in health care access, chronic disease, and life span. We talked with Kiasha Gamble and Maisy Lane from YWCA's Health Access programs about how the healthcare system prevents us from achieving racial equity.

YWCA COVID-19 Updates

July 20, 2020
Current news and updates about the impact of the public health crisis on YWCA's programs. Last updated: July 20, 2020 at 3:26 p.m.

We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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