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What’s the Difference Between an Ally and Accomplice?

December 21, 2021
For race and social justice work, the terms "ally" and "accomplice" are often used to describe those who come from places of privilege and their relationship to marginalized groups and individuals. In order to move your race and social justice work from theory to action, it's important to realize that these terms are not interchangeable.

BIPOC Artist Spotlight: Enjoli Izidor

December 8, 2021
Meet Enjoli Izidor, former basketball player turned graphic designer. Enjoli is a self-described creative problem solver and a natural helper who designed our 2021 Luncheon commemorative scarf.

2021 Transgender Awareness Week Reading List

November 17, 2021
November 13-19 marks Transgender Awareness Week, a time for celebration, education, and activism. The week culminates with November 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance, a time to memorialize transgender homicide victims and commit to action. 

How to Shape the Next Year in Seattle

November 9, 2021
Seattle's critical human services are at stake in the 2022 City budget. Learn why budgets should reflect our values, and how you can stand for yours by taking action to tell your City Councilmembers to support an equitable recovery.

Fostering Allyship through YWCA's GenRising

November 4, 2021
Meet Rafael Grijalva, YWCA Board Member and GenRising Committee Member. Read on to learn why YWCA's mission matters to him, as well as how you can get involved with GenRising, YWCA's diverse group of professionals under the age of 45.