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What is Environmental Racism?

January 5, 2023
Climate change is a global problem, but the divide between those able to mitigate its direct impact on them and those who cannot isn't a matter of luck or resourcefulness; it's the result of historical discrimination and environmental racism.

YWCA's Commitment to Ending Gender-Based Violence

December 20, 2022
For nearly 130 years, YWCA has provided critical resources for women and families experiencing gender-based violence. Thanks to our team, our community, and our commitment to equity and welfare, today we are the largest service provider in the region for people experiencing this kind of trauma.

Why are BIPOC Women more likely to have student debt?

December 13, 2022
Around 60% of college students graduate with student debt, and two thirds of that debt is held by women. For single mothers, students from low-income families, and BIPOC women in the workforce, this debt is a burden many cannot afford to repay.

BIPOC Artist Spotlight: Verbal Oasis

November 30, 2022
Meet activist, poet, and scientist Monique Franklin, aka Verbal Oasis. Monique is a Seattle artist who recently joined us for our 2022 Virtual Inspire Luncheon: Rise & Thrive, where she shared her story and her work with us.

Maintaining Traditions and Identity as Urban Indians

November 22, 2022
Guest author Jennifer Bereskin traces the urbanization of Native Americans through violated treaties and assimilationist federal policies, and shares her own experience as an Urban Indian maintaining connections to her indigenous community.