About the project
YWCA's Somerset Village Apartments is a 64-unit complex of affordable, permanent housing for families earning 60% and below the area's median income. Residents also have access to case management, support services, community services, and referrals to health care, job training, and employment resources. The Digital Community Learning Space will enhance these supports by making technology available to help residents attain life and job skills through training, education, computer classes, internships, job placement, and more.

Why it matters
"Digital inequity means that those who already face systemic challenges are being blocked from opportunities for economic mobility. Without the appropriate digital education, support, and skills application, many more will be left behind," said Mary Anne Dillon, YWCA’s Executive Director of Snohomish County.
Cena Conteh, YWCA’s Community Center Coordinator for the Somerset Village Apartments adds, "Thanks to this partnership with Comcast, the youth and parents we serve will have better access to up-to-date technology and STEAM tools that will equip them with the needed skills to compete in our ever-advancing job market."

About Comcast
"Women's History Month is the perfect time to recognize the important role that YWCA plays in bringing equitable resources to women and people of color," said Rodrigo Lopez, Region Senior Vice President, Comcast Washington. "We are partnering and building labs with organizations like YWCA because they help historically marginalized people understand how to use technology to better their lives. This lab will help them embrace technology to find jobs, housing, and a stable footing in life."
Comcast is providing the lab with free WiFi as part of the company's effort to roll out its "Lift Zones" program in local community centers throughout Washington and across the nation. In collaboration with cities, community organizations, and local nonprofit partners, Comcast has now installed free WiFi in more than 90 community centers statewide.
Make a difference
Keep conversations about racial inequity going by attending our 11th Annual Stand Against Racism Virtual Town Hall on April 29.
You can also help YWCA continue bridging the digital divide in our community by getting involved today as either a donor, volunteer, or event sponsor.

Annalee Schafranek is the Marketing & Editorial Director at YWCA. She contributes agency news, press releases, and media coverage to the website. Annalee’s educational and professional experience has always focused on the place where gender equity and media meet.
We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.