What have you done for you lately?

August 15, 2018
August 15 is National Relaxation Day! This week we discuss the importance of self-care specifically for black women and the health benefits it entails.

Black Women Equal Pay Day

August 7, 2018
August 7 is Black Women Equal Pay Day. In this week's blog we discuss what the day means and what may contribute to the wage disparity for women of color, specifically black women.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

August 1, 2018
July 30 was World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. On this day we seek to raise awareness about the issue of trafficked persons being a worldwide crisis, encourage support for the prevention of human trafficking, and take action to protect victims of trafficking.

How American Society Habitually Silences Women of Color Part I

July 25, 2018
Silencing the voices of black, Native American, Asian American & Pacific Islander, and Latinx women is so common that it’s an American societal habit that nearly everyone is conditioned to participate in both consciously and unconsciously. In part one of this two-part series, we unpack some historical frameworks that have contributed to the loss of voice for women of color and how those frameworks still inform and shape the experience of women of color.

Make Everyday Nelson Mandela Day

July 18, 2018
Nelson Mandela International Day, also known as Mandela Day, is held yearly on July 18 in recognition of all of Mandela's achievements toward furthering human rights, democracy, and social justice.

#SkillsForAll – World Youth Skills Day & GirlsFirst

July 12, 2018
In partnership with WorldSkills International and the United Nations, July 15 was declared World Youth Skills Day. This day is celebrated to bring awareness to the essentiality of vocational education. YWCA would like to do its part by highlighting our GirlsFirst Program. Read more in this Q and A about our economic advancement program to empower girls of color.

We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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