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Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day 2024 was unforgettable. YWCA staff, volunteers, allies, and fellow housing advocates played a crucial role in the success of the event. Here are the happenings and highlights of the day.

Women Set Records in 2018 Election

November 13, 2018
Tuesday was a historic night. As Americans voted in the most important midterm election in a generation, women broke barriers everywhere. Here in Washington State, organizers with De-Escalate Washington celebrated voters passing Initiative 940 on election night after a long-fought campaign by Native and African American communities.

The Black Women Who Saved Seattle Jazz

November 6, 2018
Seattle’s vibrant jazz club scene of the 1940s produced famous musicians like Ray Charles and Quincy Jones. But the success of Seattle jazz bands was built on the union organizing skill of black women jazz players.

Homeownership May Be the Key to Equity

October 30, 2018
Owning a home is the biggest factor in determining your wealth, but in King County and across America, racist policies have pushed Black and Latinx families out of their homes. Eliminating the homeownership inequality is key to closing the racial wealth gap, and ensuring that our communities are more secure.

The Biggest Racial Inequity in America isn't Income Inequality

October 16, 2018
The racial wealth gap is the largest form of economic inequality in America, yet it is the least commonly understood. With the median Black wealth on pace to hit $0 by the middle of this century, serious policy changes are needed to reverse this dangerous divide created by a history of discrimination.

It's Time for Washington Cities to Stop Criminalizing Homelessness

October 9, 2018
A recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court says that cities cannot outlaw people from sitting or sleeping in public when there are no possible alternatives. This ruling has big implications for cities in Snohomish County with these kinds of bans, and more complicated effects in King County and Seattle.

We tell the stories of those with lived experiences of racism and sexism and invite supporters to take concrete actions to correct the root causes of disparity in our communities.

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