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Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day 2024 was unforgettable. YWCA staff, volunteers, allies, and fellow housing advocates played a crucial role in the success of the event. Here are the happenings and highlights of the day.

How Black Mothers are Disproportionately Impacted by Payday Loans

September 18, 2018
Black mothers are often targeted by payday loan sharks, who trap them into a debt spiral just to pay off their regular bills. Weak government regulation allows predatory banking to continue, disproportionately impacting those excluded from traditional financial institutions by racism.

Police De-Escalation Initiative Goes to the Ballot

September 11, 2018
Washington Initiative 940 for police officer de-escalation training and accountability is now headed to the ballot this fall after the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that it must be voted on by the people of Washington.

Registering to Vote While Homeless

August 28, 2018
A local advocacy group is working to overcome the barriers to voting faced by people experiencing homelessness. New laws passed in Olympia after pressure from advocates are also making it easier to become a voter in Washington State.

Join #TeamHousing and Advocate for More Homes

August 21, 2018
The King County Lodging Tax has raised $180 million this past year, and that money should go to urgently-needed affordable housing, rather than stadium maintenance. Our communities need relief from sky-high home prices and rising rents.

Turnout Surges in Washington Primary

August 14, 2018
A week ago on August 7, Washington state held its 2018 midterm primary election. Federal, state, and local representatives were on the ballot, including for U.S. Senator and each of the 10 U.S. House of Representative seats.

We tell the stories of those with lived experiences of racism and sexism and invite supporters to take concrete actions to correct the root causes of disparity in our communities.

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