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Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day 2024 was unforgettable. YWCA staff, volunteers, allies, and fellow housing advocates played a crucial role in the success of the event. Here are the happenings and highlights of the day.

The Ethics of Storytelling: A How-to Guide

July 31, 2018
When collecting and presenting stories of people experiencing homelessness, it is important to follow these guidelines and best practices to ensure that your organization's storytelling is ethical, accommodating, and representative of the community you serve.

What is Rapid Rehousing, and why does it need to change?

July 24, 2018
Rapid Rehousing is a housing-first model of moving people experiencing homelessness into a home, and has become a linchpin in Seattle's strategy to end homelessness. While these programs are effective for some, they do not and can not work for everyone.

Police Reform Initiative goes before Supreme Court

July 10, 2018
On June 28, the Washington Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tim Eyman & Michael J. Padden v. Kim Wyman & De-Escalate Washington & Cyrus Habib, on whether to invalidate different parts of Initiative 940 (I-940) passed by the Washington Legislature earlier this year.

Fact Checking Homelessness

June 26, 2018
The City of Seattle is now three years into its officially declared homelessness crisis. Yet, there are still incredibly widespread misconceptions about homelessness among the average citizen. These misconceptions, or myths, exert a strong influence on people’s level of compassion for and knowledge about homelessness.

We tell the stories of those with lived experiences of racism and sexism and invite supporters to take concrete actions to correct the root causes of disparity in our communities.

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