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YWCA Staff Spotlight: Michelle Osborne

June 20, 2018
This week's blog shines a light on YWCA's Race and Social Manager, Michelle Osborne. We discussed YWCA's Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI), her choice to work at YWCA, and how our agency can fulfill its mission, eliminating racism and empowering women.

The High Cost of Criminalizing Homelessness at the Fare Box

June 18, 2018
In April 2018, the King County Auditor's office released a report on the equity and efficiency issues of paid fare enforcement officers on King County Metro’s Rapid Ride buses. The report reveals the high cost in human, social, and economic terms of criminalizing homelessness through fare enforcement.

Are we Ramadan yet?

June 13, 2018
Ramadan is the month when Muslims around the world fast from sunrise to sunset to commemorate one of the five pillars of Islam. This week's blog will explain what the month entails, its origins and address common questions those who observe the fast are often asked.

Amnesty International Day

June 6, 2018
May 28 marked Amnesty International Day, serving as a reminder to us all to uphold and recognize the value of human rights. This week's blog highlights the origins of Amnesty, the importance of their work, and how it aligns with YWCA's mission.