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Workplace Philanthropy Creates Equity

April 15, 2020
Creating equity at work can take many forms. Changing hiring practices, elevating staff of color to positions of power, as well as meetings structured around equitable decision-making can all root your workplace in social justice. Creating equity at work also means elevating the needs of historically marginalized communities. Learn how a local brewery and industry association did just that.

How to Help Women & Families During Coronavirus

March 27, 2020
With every day presenting a new challenge, COVID-19 continues to impact our lives in a wide variety of ways. Many of us are currently stuck at home and wondering how we can help our community members most in need. Check out the tips below for how you can aid YWCA women and families at this crucial time.

Fighting Gender Inequity through Volunteering

March 19, 2020
YWCA could not do the work it does without the hard work and dedication of our community partners. Snohomish County based Millennia Ministries has provided immeasurable support to house the women and families we serve. Check out our chat with Leilani Miller, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the small ministry with a global impact.

Volunteers Building a Foundation in Social Justice

February 27, 2020
Building a social justice foundation is the first step for YWCA volunteers joining our mission. Race and anti-racism are intricate subject matters that can be difficult to advocate for without a base in its definition and principles. Read about how our volunteers learn to eliminate racism through social justice.