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Staff Spotlight: Healthcare and Race

July 28, 2020
YWCA's Health Access programs work to increase wellness and safety in our community and reduce systemic barriers that drive inequities in health care access, chronic disease, and life span. We talked with Kiasha Gamble and Maisy Lane from YWCA's Health Access programs about how the healthcare system prevents us from achieving racial equity.

What is Medical Racism?

July 21, 2020
Medical racism is the systematic and wide-spread racism against people of color within the medical system. It includes both the racism in our society that makes Black people less healthy, the disparity in health coverage by race, and the biases held by healthcare workers against people of color in their care.

YWCA COVID-19 Updates

July 20, 2020
Current news and updates about the impact of the public health crisis on YWCA's programs. Last updated: July 20, 2020 at 3:26 p.m.

Reading On A Mission: Black Women's Health

July 17, 2020
This month we're exploring how our healthcare system can perpetuate inequity. Below we've compiled a reading list written entirely by Black women focusing on the intersection of race, gender, and health in a variety of circumstances, including living with a disability, working as a Black doctor, and navigating the mental health system.

Seeking Peer Support to Fight Inequities

July 8, 2020
Our healthcare system is a maze for most, let alone folks who are furthest from privilege and opportunity. Studies show that for Black women especially face challenges receiving respect and care from medical professionals. That’s why peer-support and advocacy programs like YWCA’s BABES Network can be so crucial.

How Can Seattle Be a Better City for Black Women?

June 30, 2020
How can we build better communities where everyone is welcome and safe? We sat down with safe streets advocate and bus enthusiast Jazmine Smith to talk about how cities are designed in ways that are hostile to Black women.