November 1 is Latina Women Equal Pay Day. In this week's blog, we discuss what the day means and what may contribute to the wage disparity for women of color, specifically Latina women.

"All the work and half the pay. That's the reality Latina women face everyday." - Eva Longoria, Actor and human rights activist

We know that women on average make far less than men, but for Latina women, the wage gap is even wider. Latina women have to work just under two years in order to make what a white man earns in just one. Latina Equal Pay Day is the day when Latina pay catches up to that of White, non-Hispanic men from the previous year.  Latinas are among the most adversely affected by the gender pay gap. They are paid just 54 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men. Placing Latinas at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Wage Gap

Here are three more things you need to know about the pay gap:

  • Nationally, Latinas typically earn 47 percent less than white men and 31 percent less than white women. A pay gap often persists even when these women have the same level of education and experience and work the same high-wage job as a white man or woman, according to the Lean In Network
  • That decrease in pay over the course of a career amounts to about four years worth of groceries.
  • Change begins with awareness. Many Latinas don't always realize there's a pay gap or how to go about asking for better compensation

The wage gap is still the same as it was in 1987 when full-time working Latinas made 54 cents for every dollar a white man made. Currently, the median salary is $31,109 per year compared to $57,204 per year for non-Hispanic white males. 3 million families are headed by Latinas and this almost double wage gap disparity can mean the difference between becoming homeless or not. For Latinas, the wage gap gets worse with age, with those aged 45-65 making 49 cents for every dollar as compared to those aged 15- 24 who make 79 cents for every dollar.

Latina Equal Pay Day

Here are some ways you can take action:

1) Learn - Download stats and reports about the Latina wage gap and share it with others.

2) Engage - Share & Advocate on social media in both English and Spanish Create a social media storm with us November 2, from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST and use the  #LatinaEqualPay, #Trabajadoras, and #DemandMore.


Race and Social Justice
Latina Equal Pay Day 2018
Equal Pay
Salma Siddick

Salma Siddick is the Social Media & Content Manager at YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish. An immigrant from Zimbabwe, Salma has lived, worked, and attended school on three continents.


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