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Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day 2024 was unforgettable. YWCA staff, volunteers, allies, and fellow housing advocates played a crucial role in the success of the event. Here are the happenings and highlights of the day.

Maintaining Traditions and Identity as Urban Indians

November 22, 2022
Guest author Jennifer Bereskin traces the urbanization of Native Americans through violated treaties and assimilationist federal policies, and shares her own experience as an Urban Indian maintaining connections to her indigenous community.

Why You Should Care About Progressive Revenue

January 26, 2022
Our state has the most upside-down tax code in the nation. Coupled with a pandemic that’s lasted nearly 2 years, this has widened income inequality and deprived cities of the resources they need to recover. The solution? Progressive revenue.

Let's End the Prison-to-Debt Pipeline

January 18, 2022
Even after serving their sentences, low-income and BIPOC defendants are buried under lifelong Washington court debts that exacerbate racial inequity and prevent people from achieving stability post-incarceration. YWCA is advocating in 2022 to change this injustice with a bill in the Washington Legislature. 

How to Shape the Next Year in Seattle

November 9, 2021
Seattle's critical human services are at stake in the 2022 City budget. Learn why budgets should reflect our values, and how you can stand for yours by taking action to tell your City Councilmembers to support an equitable recovery.

We tell the stories of those with lived experiences of racism and sexism and invite supporters to take concrete actions to correct the root causes of disparity in our communities.

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