It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. Well, we certainly have. We are thrilled to reveal our new and refreshed website!

Our so fresh and so clean website is compatible with today’s browsers and mobile devices. We aim to provide an easy access, user-friendly, functional and faster navigational experience. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. There’s a whole host of smaller but impactful changes, all to make your experience of the new site more user friendly for clients to easily navigate and locate the information and service they need.

What inspired this project?

  •  We wanted to ensure our site was user friendly and easy to navigate in order to locate the information and services needed.
  •  For our donors and supporters, without whom our work would not be possible, our new site reflects the powerful impact of donations   while making it easy to donate with multiple giving options.
  •  For our community, we wanted not only to showcase where we provide support, but also make it easier to share information within the community about services we provide and volunteer opportunities.

So what’s new about this site? Oh so much! From better navigation, to better visual content, our new site offers a feel good experience, while show casing the importance of our work. But so as to not bore you till website come, here is a list of just few new features on the site:

  1. Program & Services Finder – This feature makes it easy to search for specific programs and services we provide.
  2. Events Calendar –Allows you to see all up-coming events hosted or supported by YWCA.
  3. Blogs – One way of share our YWCA voice through content and social media.
  4. Program Pages – Gives a full description on what services are offered through specific programs.
  5. Newsroom – Your go to place to find out what is new with YWCA. It will include press releases, news items, and a press kit.
  6. Mobile Responsive – Website accessibility will look the same on your smartphone device and on your PC.
  7. Leadership – Learn more about our Executive team and their roles at YWCA.
  8. Advocacy Page – Join us on the Front lines of all YWCA advocacy efforts and see what actions we are taking to support our mission.
  9. Locations – Navigate our various locations around King and Snohomish counties.
  10. Race & Social Justice – All our work is centered on an RSJ framework and tackling areas and policies that uphold racism and marginalization.

We hope you enjoy our new look and thank you for supporting our vision and mission as we continue working together for a more inclusive and socially just community.

Happiness is


Salma Siddick

Salma Siddick is the Social Media & Content Manager at YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish. An immigrant from Zimbabwe, Salma has lived, worked, and attended school on three continents.


We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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