Tapiwa Jere

Digital Advocacy and Engagement Specialist
Tapiwa Jere, Digital Advocacy & Engagement Specialist, helps reach and mobilize our community members to take action in support of YWCA’s public policy goals using cutting-edge digital advocacy tools and technology platforms.

“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”

Tapiwa has a strong passion for civic engagement, social justice and community development. This passion drives a lot of what she does professionally and in her downtime. Being a part of effecting meaningful change is her ultimate goal.

Tapiwa enjoys being able to apply her Digital Marketing and Political Studies background to building advocacy campaigns and initiatives and helping educate the public about YWCA’s policy priorities and the systemic barriers to equity that disproportionately impact our communities.

When she's not trying to impact the world, some of Tapiwa's favorite things to do are visit the zoo, rewatch Bob's Burgers, travel, and flex her philosophical muscles by exploring life and its many mysteries!

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Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day 2024 was unforgettable. YWCA staff, volunteers, allies, and fellow housing advocates played a crucial role in more

Tapiwa Jere is the Digital Advocacy & Engagement Specialist. She helps reach and mobilize our community members to take action in support of YWCA’s public policy goals using cutting-edge digital advocacy tools and technology platforms.

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