Ashley Leasure
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” –Desmond Tutu
With over 25 years working as a senior development officer and executive team leader, Ashley has dedicated her career to serving a diverse collection of social service, education, and arts organizations. She has a deep belief in the importance of a building a culture where everyone has the power to affect change and in the importance of supporting organizations, like YWCA, that are advocating for women and girls in our community.
She is a consensus-building nonprofit professional with the proven ability to assemble, train, and motivate cross-functional teams. As co-founder of OrangeGerbera, she has established a reputation as a successful, well-rounded fundraiser and nonprofit executive capable of leading staff and leadership through complex campaigns and transitions. Ashley earned a bachelor’s degree in Community Health with an emphasis in Marketing and Management from Texas A&M University. She first began consulting with YWCA in 2016.