YWCA's Week Without Violence

October 12, 2023
For over 20 years during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, YWCAs across the country have set aside one week in October as a Week Without Violence, during which we raise awareness, elevate survivor voices, talk with policymakers, and unite under a common goal: centering survivors and working together to end gender-based violence.

YWCA Partner Highlight: Epiphany Parish

August 29, 2023
For well over three decades, Epiphany Parish has been a steadfast supporter of YWCA's community, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of countless women and families.

Misty Copeland and the importance of accessibility

July 11, 2023
As the first Black woman to be promoted to the position of Principal Dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, Misty Copeland is an inspiration for many young BIPOC women. She has continued to create opportunities for others as a trailblazer in her field, and as an activist, she is continuously advocating for wider accessibility to the arts for all people.

2023 Pride Reading List

June 9, 2023
Pride Month honors the history of the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States and those fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights today. YWCA believes in the importance of celebrating our community, and to do that, we've compiled pieces about these historic moments and articles written by members of the LGBTQIA+ community from today.

We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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