Meet the four honorees of our 2020 "Washington Women Who Dare" celebration and learn what being fearless means to them. Presented in partnership with Comcast Washington and TEDxSeattleWomen.

When times are good, it’s easy to stay positive. The true test of our mindset comes when times get tough. But that’s when it matters most that we take the time to stay connected, to reflect on our achievements, and collectively celebrate the good things happening around us. 

During a year of unprecedented challenges, YWCA has continued to see individuals and organizations stepping up and creating meaningful change. To honor some of the women fearlessly leading the way to a stronger future, we’ve partnered with Comcast Washington for the second year in a row to celebrate “Washington Women Who Dare.”  

The 2020 Women Who Dare honorees are Jodi-Ann Burey, Angela Dunleavy-Stowell, Doris O’Neal, and Dr. Daria Willis. Each one of these women has faced 2020 head-on, turning challenges into opportunities, finding creative solutions, and making a positive impact on the community.

Even though we couldn't celebrate their achievements together in-person, these honorees were highlighted on November 19 at the TEDxSeattleWomen: Fearless event for more than 1,000 virtual attendees. Watch the videos below to hear their stories and learn what being fearless means to them. 

Jodi-Ann Burey

Equity Advocate, Writer & Speaker

Jodi-Ann Burey is a writer, speaker, and equity advocate. She’s also host of the Black Cancer Podcast, which centers the experiences of women of color in the healthcare system. Burey spent this year applying her talents to lead workshops and develop materials to educate people about structural and institutional racism, helping strengthen the movement for racial justice. 


Angela Dunleavy-Stowell 

CEO, FareStart

FareStart is a nonprofit organization that transforms lives, disrupts poverty, and nourishes communities through food, life skills, and job training. As the number of families facing food insecurity across the region has spiked this year, Angela Dunleavy-Stowell has helped protect our community from hunger by partnering with service providers to produce nearly two million meals for people who are most vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19.


Doris O’Neal

Director of Gender-Based Violence Specialized Services, YWCA

Doris O’Neal leads YWCA’s Gender-Based Violence Specialized Services, including our programs for domestic violence and commercial sexual exploitation. As more abusers are using COVID-19 as a threat and weapon, she is leading a team of women to meet the needs of survivors who are more isolated, stressed, and in need of services than ever before, and has piloted a partnership with the King County Prosecutor's Office to create a model program that puts the needs of survivors first


Dr. Daria Willis

President, Everett Community College

Dr. Daria Willis is president of Everett Community College, the first African American and fourth woman to assume the role. As college classes moved online, she has led efforts to provide WiFi hotspots in the school parking lot, offer Chromebooks for students with children, and ensure every student has access to the educational resources they need. 


Make a gift to YWCA in honor of the fearless women in your life.


Annalee Schafranek

Annalee Schafranek is the Marketing & Editorial Director at YWCA. She contributes agency news, press releases, and media coverage to the website. Annalee’s educational and professional experience has always focused on the place where gender equity and media meet.


We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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