Meet Yusuf Hansia, a YWCA Activity Leader Volunteer at our Somerset Village Apartments. Yusuf’s goal is for residents to gain a better understanding of money management, and he works towards that by teaching several financial topics. Financial literacy is such an important skill to pass on and we appreciate Yusuf for donating his time to do so.

Being an Activity Leader is one of the most unique ways for volunteers to make an impact with YWCA women and families. Volunteers bring their expertise and passions and share them with the clients we serve. Yusuf Hansia is doing just that by teaching financial wellness classes to YWCA residents at Somerset Village Apartments. Learn more about Yusuf and his work as a YWCA volunteer in our conversation below.

YWCA volunteer Yusuf Hansia

What is your role at Somerset?

I provide financial literacy to women and teens. What this means is that I educate about the different terms used in banking and other things like how to write a check, balance a check book, and communicate with the ATM/Teller. Now, I educate on how to be prepared to buy a home. Improving your credit score, saving for a down payment etc.

How did you get started/what inspired you to work with YWCA?

I have previous experience providing financial literacy to kids and adults for organizations such as Operation Hope, Junior Achievement, and Treasure Island Sailing Center, all based out of Northern California. When I arrived to Seattle, I quickly learned about how YWCA supports the community and was inspired.

What was your first impression of YWCA?

I always understood what YWCA does but never got involved until one morning at a nonprofit event, Cena Conteh of YWCA approached me thinking I was a teacher. She told me she was looking for a teacher for her residents. I offered to provide trainings about money and finances.

Why is the work you do important for YWCA clients?

Building financial literacy helps with major decisions and transitions in their lives.

YWCA program participants in economic advancement course

What are the main takeaways for residents who take your class?

A better understanding of money and managing money. As well as understanding the importance of savings.

What do you do outside of volunteering?

I am a Business Banking Manager, a volunteer Treasurer for a nonprofit, a volleyball coach, and a husband and father of two.

What is the best part about volunteering?

Making a happier, healthier impact to people or community lives.

One thing that would surprise someone to learn about me is….

I am cross-handed. I write with my left and do everything else with my right.

We want to thank Yusuf for sharing his financial expertise with our Somerset residents. It takes a lot of unique skills and personalities to provide the services we do for women and families. Everyone has something to offer. Join our mission today by visiting to see how you can make a difference.

Volunteer spotlight
Economic Empowerment
Kendyl Hardy

Kendyl Hardy is the Volunteer Services Coordinator at YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish. As an avid volunteer herself, Kendyl finds volunteering is a way to grow personally and as a community. Kendyl graduated with a degree in Public Relations with a concentration in nonprofit management. Throughout her college career, she worked to highlight the importance of civic service to sustain society and feature dialogue about issues affecting our communities.


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