What We Do

With more than 20 locations across two counties, YWCA is a social justice organization that creates real change for over 7,000 people in Seattle, King, and Snohomish counties each year.

YWCA works where we’re needed most with people who face the greatest barriers to safety, stability, and opportunity. Racial and gender equity is at the center of our work to eliminate disparities in the most critical areas of people’s lives.

We know that not all women, or all people, are treated equally. Women and girls of color experience overlapping injustices due to their race, gender, socioeconomic background, and more. YWCA is a multi-issue social justice organization that approaches social inequity on multiple levels.


  • Direct Services
  • Issue Education
  • Advocacy

YWCA breaks down barriers to safety, equity, and opportunity with programs that address both immediate needs and the root causes of that need. To create lasting change, we must go beyond influencing hearts and minds and strive to transform policies, systems, and communities. 


  • Housing Stability
  • Economic Advancement
  • Health & Safety

Gender, race, and economic equity are interconnected social issues that must be addressed in concert. We offer holistic, integrated, client-centered services and help individuals and families build independence and self-empowerment in the most critical parts of their lives.

Our Work

Race & Social Justice

Race and Social Justice

The Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI), is YWCA’s expression of its commitment to eliminate racial disparities and achieve racial equity internally and externally. We share a passion for change and work toward it locally by advocating on issues that impact our clients and services.
