Once a year, we get a special opportunity to reflect on the things we are thankful for in our lives and share our gratitude with others. Volunteer Services would like to promote acts of kindness this giving season and share some of the reasons why we are grateful.

There is something to be grateful for 365 days a year. Acting on our feelings of gratitude has been shown to improve health. According to Elizabeth Heubeck, the connection between gratitude and health actually goes a back a long way. Being grateful is good for you!

In our busy lives, it can sometimes be hard to slow down and appreciate the things or people that contribute positively to our lives, but it takes each one of us to lift up the community and we should recognize that. Volunteer Services feels so fortunate to work in a place where lifting up the community is our job. We could not do this alone and we want to let everyone know why we are thankful.

YWCA volunteers

  • We are thankful for the hard work and dedication our volunteers show every day.

YWCA volunteers

  • We are thankful to everyone advocating for women and fighting against homelessness.

YWCA volunteers

  • We are thankful for YWCA staff who dedicate their work to eliminating racism and empowering women.

YWCA volunteers

  • We are thankful for group volunteers who are the powerhouse behind large projects.

YWCA volunteers

  • We are thankful for donors who help keep our food bank, shelters, and other programs running.

YWCA staff

I am grateful to volunteers for giving their time, energy, money, and products to our YWCA clients. - Gwen Hosea-Mimms, Volunteer Services Manager

I am thankful for the wonderful year YWCA has had and all of the work our volunteers have done. I'm glad to do it again next year! - Kendyl Hardy, Volunteer Services Coordinator

How to show gratefulness through acts of kindness

YWCA volunteers

Volunteer Services would like to encourage our community to do something special this Thanksgiving through acts of kindness. There are so many ways to give kindness, so we are sharing our top 10 favorites.

  1. Volunteering! One of the best ways to show gratitude for what we have is to give to others. 
  2. Give out compliments. A polite compliment is quick and doesn't cost a thing, but is sure to put a smile on someone's face.
  3. Rake leaves for a neighbor. This act benefits our neighbors and our environment.
  4. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line. Paying it forward is a tried and true way to spread kindness.
  5. Donate books. Give your books a new home with a new mind.
  6. Make a friend their favorite meal. Cooking for another is a great way to show appreciation for the loved ones in our lives.
  7. Open a door for someone. Holding a door for someone is so easy, it can become second nature. It is a little way to let people know you are there for them.
  8. Lend a hand to a tourist. Giving directions or taking their picture can go a long way for a tourist in need.
  9. Call friends and family. Let others know you are there for them the way you would want them to be there for you.
  10. Share this list. Inspire others to make acts of kindness a part of their life so the gratitude can spread!

All of these things are small ways we can show the people around us that we appreciate them and the things they do to make our days brighter. Although there is only one Thanksgiving day a year, every day is a chance to give thanks. Volunteer Services is grateful to have such a strong community of supporters.

Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving!

Kendyl Hardy

Kendyl Hardy is the Volunteer Services Coordinator at YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish. As an avid volunteer herself, Kendyl finds volunteering is a way to grow personally and as a community. Kendyl graduated with a degree in Public Relations with a concentration in nonprofit management. Throughout her college career, she worked to highlight the importance of civic service to sustain society and feature dialogue about issues affecting our communities.


We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.

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