Renton Regional Center


Street Address

1010 S. Second St.
Renton, WA 98057
United States


No Hours Available.


Front Desk
Acquired in 2000 and located in downtown Renton, this center serves as the hub for South King County programs. There is a career center, counseling services, and community meeting space.

YWCA’s Renton regional center offers a career center, counseling services, community meeting space, community bulletin boards and housing assistance.

At This Location

Administrative Offices
Community Services
Direct Services


1010 S. Second St.
Renton, WA 98057
United States

Programs at this Location

YWCA’s Homeless Employment Program, provides people experiencing homelessness or people who are at risk of homelessness with a full range of individualized employment and support services needed to achieve self-sufficiency and stable housing.
Housing Stability Project is a program designed to help families and individuals who are in a short-term crisis that has been resolved or is close to a resolution but has left the household financially challenged.
YWCA, in partnership with King County Housing Authority, coordinates a consortium of service providers for people with disabilities. Consortium partners receive a small allocation of Section 8 housing vouchers for their program participants.
The SSVF program was established after Section 604 of the Veterans’ Mental Health and Other Care Improvements Act of 2008, Public Law 110-387, authorized it by Veteran Affairs. This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.
As one of five regional access points in King County, YWCA RAP provides prevention/diversion and housing navigation as a first response to those experiencing a housing crisis in King County. We work with single adults, coupled adults, youth/young adults, and families experiencing homelessness to connect them to wraparound resources.