The days are becoming colder and darker as we rapidly approaching the holiday season. This year, consider joining our Winter Giving Program, which provides meals directly to local families who are struggling as food, gas, and rent prices rise.
Thanksgiving Days
Food security is often the first step on the path to stability for many marginalized people. However, good, nutritious food isn’t always an affordable option for families when they must balance other expenses like rent, gas, or childcare.
To help ease this financial struggle, we are requesting grocery store gift cards in increments of $75 per family member as part of our Thanksgiving Days program. For example, this means for a family of five, they will receive a grocery gift card for $375. With these donations, families can have agency at the grocery store and customize their holiday meals according to their personal preferences and any religious or dietary restrictions.
YWCA’s Gift Giving Program
Families can’t always fulfill items on their wish list, but there are ways we can help. By participating in YWCA’s Gift Giving Program (formerly Adopt-a-Family), you will be matched with a specific family and receive details such as the family’s size, interests, ages, and which stores the children would like gift cards to.
Learn more about our Winter Giving Programs and how you can participate, or look at our FAQ for more details. If you have any questions, please email (King County) or (Snohomish County).
Interested in other ways to help? Join our volunteer program and learn how you can be an advocate for underserved people in our community.

Ana Rodriguez-Knutsen is the Content Specialist for YWCA's Marketing & Editorial team. From fiction writing to advocacy, Ana works with an intersectional mindset to uplift and amplify the voices of underrepresented communities.
We share the stories of our program participants, programs, and staff, as well as news about the agency and what’s happening in our King and Snohomish community.