What is the Stand Against Racism?

YWCA’s Stand Against Racism is an annual event to acknowledge our commitment to combatting racism and a reminder of the work that still needs to be done.


Sometimes in our day to day, we may lose sight of how we as individuals fit into the mission of eliminating racism and empowering women. To bring us all together, we've compiled a list of things we can all do to Stand Against Racism today and every day!

What should I read? 
What should I watch? 

Learning more history will allow you to better understand the lasting impacts of racism and the evolution of anti-racism. Knowing about the past allows us not to repeat it. A great way to learn about history is through film and videos. 

How do I stay informed? 

Educate yourself on issues relevant to your community that disproportionately impact BIPOC people. Finding fact-checked information on race and social justice topics can be intimidating and challenging. Having a diverse and reliable set of news sources can expose you to new perspectives on topics. 

How can I support my community? 

The pandemic has impacted all small businesses dramatically. However, BIPOC-owned businesses have experienced incredible hardships, as well as dealing with continued systemic racism. 

Local BIPOC-Owned Businesses: 
Mutual Aid Groups:

Get involved

If you’re interested in helping further YWCA’s race and social justice work, consider joining our People of Color Executive Council (POCEC).

The POCEC is composed of BIPOC community members, YWCA Board members, and community allies from across King and Snohomish Counties. They represent a variety of lived experiences and have a deep connection to and passion for YWCA’s mission.

The core responsibilities of the POCEC include:

  • Planning and executing the annual Stand Against Racism Event
  • Nominating community members for the annual Bertha Pitts Campbell Awards
  • Utilizing their expertise and networks to engage with the community and further YWCA’s race and social justice work
  • Providing recommendations and input to YWCA's Board of Directors

The POCEC meets a minimum of 4 times a year unless members choose to participate on a specific subcommittee. Serving on the POCEC is a fantastic way to give back to the community as well as engage in the critical work of YWCA.

Inquire About Joining
